This provision on the “Disclaimer of Liability and Warranties” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is the official Regulation of the ZaimOboz Internet service (hereinafter referred to as the Service), which provides information services available to users of the Service (hereinafter referred to as the User) at the time of using the Service. This Regulation governs the scope of responsibility and guarantees provided by the Administration of the Service in the process of using its functionality by Users. Using the Service, the User expresses his consent to this document and the established conditions, and also accepts the responsibility that may be assigned to him as part of the use of the Service. The Administration has determined the following provisions and norms governing the procedure for use, as well as the amount of additional responsibility of its Users and the Administration:


  • The Service is not responsible for any damage to the User’s computer, mobile devices, any other equipment or software caused by or associated with the use of the Service, available via hyperlinks placed on the pages of the site, both by Users and third parties.
  • The transition to third-party sites, installation of programs and ordering services of third parties is carried out by the User at his own risk.
  • The Service does not bear any responsibility or any obligations for damage caused to the User as a result of interaction with advertising posted on the pages of the Service, if it is available on the pages of the Service.
  • The Service is not responsible for the safety and accuracy of the data and information transmitted by the User.
  • The Service is not responsible for the authenticity of the content (including comments, messages) provided by Users.
  • The Service does not guarantee that the software, servers and computer networks used by the Service are free from errors and malware.
  • The service is not responsible if the use resulted in the loss of data or damage to the equipment.
  • The Service is not responsible for possible failures and interruptions in the operation of the Service and the loss of information caused by them.
  • Any trademarks, signs and names of goods, services and organizations, design rights (images), copyright and related rights that are mentioned, used or cited on the pages of the Service by Users belong to such User or must be obtained with the permission of intellectual property rights holders.
  • The Administration is not responsible for the violation of the legitimate interests and rights of third parties by the Users, but in every possible way contributes to the resolution of disputes that have arisen.
  • Inaction on the part of the Service in case of violation by the User or a group of Users of the rules for using the Service or its components does not deprive the Service of the right to take appropriate actions to protect the interests of the Service or Users later.
  • Under no circumstances shall the Service be liable to Users or to any third parties for any damage, including lost profits or lost data, harm to life and health, honor, dignity or business reputation resulting from the use of the Service, content or other materials to which Users or other persons gained access using the Service, even if the Service warned or indicated the possibility of such harm.
  • The Service is not responsible for obligations that have not been agreed between the User and the Service.
  • The Service is not responsible for obligations arising between Users and third parties. Is not responsible for losses and harm caused to the User as a result of the use of the services provided by the Service.




  • The Service is provided on an “as is” basis, i.e. without guarantees of quality and suitability of the Service for any express or implied purposes.
  • The Service does not guarantee that it will work continuously and error-free. The Service has the right (and this is an essential condition for the provision of services) without giving reasons to deny access to the Service to all Users or any of them temporarily or permanently, to delete any information or any content, data and information posted by the User on the pages of the site.
  • The Service does not guarantee the safety of the content posted by Users on the pages of the Service, therefore, if the User is interested in saving any content posted within the Service, the User must use other ways to save the necessary information. The User acknowledges that he uses the Service at his own risk.
  • The Service does not guarantee that any information uploaded by Users within the Service will meet the criteria of reliability, accuracy and relevance.
  • The Service does not guarantee that the information posted by other Users cannot cause the User moral harm, harm to health or losses.
  • The Service reserves the right to suspend the provision of services to Users at any time without explanation.
  • The Service does not guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy, relevance, harmlessness and reliability of information, data posted on third-party Internet resources. When clicking on these links, the User is aware that he acts solely at his own peril and risk.




  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Service is not liable for direct or indirect losses, lost profits, moral damages incurred by the User in connection with the use of the Service or the inability to use it, including, but not limited to, in connection with:
  • Posting by the User of messages, comments, content, personal data or links to third-party Internet resources that violate the requirements of applicable law and / or the rights of third parties.
  • Consumption of unreliable and/or irrelevant and/or causing moral harm and/or other information that is contrary to applicable law posted by other Users.
  • Loss by the User of any information used within the Service.
  • Non-fulfillment or incomplete fulfillment of contractual obligations by the User with third parties.


  • If the User has violated the norms of this Regulation or other documents of the Service, the User shall reimburse the Service for all losses caused in connection with this in full.




If, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, any conditions are declared invalid, the remaining conditions remain in full force and effect.

ZaimOboz reserves the right to make changes to the text of this Regulation, notifying the Users thereof by publishing a new version of the Regulation on the Internet at this address. The user is obliged to regularly monitor the changes made to this Regulation.

If the User does not agree with the new version of this Regulation, then the User is obliged to immediately stop using the Service. If, after the entry into force of the new version of the Regulations, the User continues to use the Service, the User thereby confirms his full agreement with the new version of the Regulations.

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